Jun 12, 2007

Bad Blogger

I am a bad blogger. I'm going to come right out front and say it now, before you get a chance to get attached to my blog. I'm inconsistent. I'll post every day for a couple of weeks and then nothing for weeks on end. Actually, I can't imagine posting daily, so just check on a weekly basis. If I get excited one week and post more than once, it won't take you long to get caught up. I'm not making any promises though. Not on the posting front anyway.

I will promise, however, to be completely honest when it comes to my reviews. If I love it, I'll rave about it. I love many tools, so that happens more often than not. Loving a tool doesn't mean it's something you've gotta have, though. Some tools/supplies are just flat subjective. I'll do my level best to give you the facts on those and let you make your own decisions. On the other hand, If I really hate a tool, I'll tell you in awesome graphic detail why I hated it. If you still feel compelled to buy it afterwards and give it a try for yourself, not my problem. I'll happily come along and tell you "I told you so" afterwards if you need it.

1 comment:

Vicki Chrisman said...

How did I not know you had a blog???