During a mad house cleaning event prior to the family descending upon the house for a joint birthday celebration, I was picking up my stamped images. I had a few of my early run tests that had come out less than perfect. In an attempt to distract my daughter and get a few more things done, I handed over two of the images and her crayons. She happily made cards for her Gramma and Aunt. When she was done, she insisted I make a card for her birthday with her girl and a dragon. She's an eclectic little girl. :)
The more I worked on the card the more elements were required. She should be pink and there should be flowers. The girl and the dragon were the most important though. Never one to disappoint in the face of her daddy's eyes and curly golden hair, I made up this little gem -
And the requested dragon on the inside -
The card is sooo cute. You make that coloring thing look so easy. :D
I loved this story too! Thanks for sharing. I hope she was happy with it!
I love this image and you did such a superb job.
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